Thank You For The Music

At last – my chance to jump on a band wagon.

This is often a sharp elbowed world and sometimes for me the struggle seems too hollow to compete. I’ve noticed lately that I slice the cabbage for coleslaw slightly thicker and call my weed ridden flower bed a Nature Garden. The re-branding of indolence into positive action is going to be my contribution to society. Last week in Walmart I actually found myself loitering furtively in the ready made coleslaw aisle. The end is nigh. Time to listen to more gentle music.

Virtuoso courtesy (and music)

However, my entire purpose here is to thank the band that played in the park on Sunday. (See my last blog). I forgot to give them a plug. They are called the Albion Band. As a trombonista I am an extreme affectionista (Oh why don’t these words exist?) of all things brassy and blown. I tell the world on this page a profound truth – you do not know loving lips until you have kissed those of a vibrating virtuoso.  

At the end of the concert I went over to the artistes in order to take a photo of their logo. A lovely young lady saw me trying to get a shot and held up her music stand. Now, this was a small thing but it was a big courtesy to a nosy stranger.  

If the members of the Southampton Albion Band don’t know the pleasure they brought to the Romsey Memorial Park on Sunday, let me here record my profound thanks.

Emma Thinx: The blissful listener is the true musical instrument

2 thoughts on “Thank You For The Music

  1. I think “This is often a sharp elbowed world and sometimes for me the struggle seems too hollow to compete” is one of the most profound things I've read all week! I've just been browsing a couple of posts by people riddled with self-doubt and/or talking about how life keeps trying to water-down their enthusiasm! Ignore the elbows, keep your eyes firmly fixed on the happy, positive folk who make you feel good – and the Southampton Albion Band sound like such a band! (Pun intended…). Thanks for sharing Emma, love your 'thinx'


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